Saturday, August 4, 2007

my 2nd year 1st sem's life

jz oni 2 words to describe......DAMN n SIEN...DAMN-subjects r mostly killing subjects,can make plp to get failed ezly...y?coz i saw my direct senior or other seniors r retaking da same course...damn stressing.coursemates aroud me starts to study harder n harder,whoa,feel streesed...besides tat,sum lectuerers oso r kinda bored persons,jz look at them 4 a few times,feel bored to study liao...not like dr. yoon,he is good giving lecturers but he's over energetic(always hav nite claz eh..)while myself r not da person who really has scientific brain,can twist my brain fast to think of sum theories.tat's y i take minor,haha...while SIEN-almost everyday repeat da same process,go kuliah study,go bk to hostel,facing da 4 unlively walls,meeting,eating...blah blah...(all routines).nothing is interesting n special during daily life,tat's y i call my day sien...sumtimes wanna hav sum1 to talk sumthing oso additions tat my rum is hardly to get o9.haiz...alwayz stay in da rum,din go anywhere,the feeling of lonely always fullfill my time n spaces besides studying...anyway,i'm starting to b used to it but hard to adapt...haha...hopefully u all enjoy ur life evryday...go out 4 lunch or dinner together if in case v all r free,ok?

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