This come weeks programme....where u all plan wanna go lepak...
there some plan that we need Kaki to be carried out....
the plans are: Banglo stay at some where near beach
Go Karaoke and GSC-ing
Rock climbing,Sunrise sighting
Any other nice suggestion are open to all physics blogger...just some little gathering since we haven't met for so many weeks because of some unavoidable activities.
And there are some peep talk about our semester break holiday
#### A trip to Pahang, ChunSion's house,and alot more activities in Pahang####
i post this few weeks ahead of our holiday so that u can plan ur timetable properly
@@@@Normal people talk about planning and Great people talk about contribution@@@@
Now i had plan for u time for u great people to contribute.....hahahaha
-Live Life CooL-
1 week ago
i'm always beside you...dearr..
remember those days when we shared the same underwear n remember those precious time when u fell into da big drain n i lift you up..
wahaha..k cut da crap, u mean dis weekend? i tot u got tests coming up soon..
i think after test is better.. the future least we got master plan ma...ehhh we only shared the same underwear??...u borrowed alot of money from me...when wanna return my money to me...
ok sure!!
wt's da master plan?
but sem break i'm not free for 1 week (most prob 21-26th Nov)...
oth den dat can count me in (unless something more urgent comes up)!
but pls confirm wif me earlier yea ;)
tis weekend aft thermo test oso can ar ;P
Wah, go where go where... din call me 1?? T.T
This Sem break holiday...we are going to PAHANG...hometown of Chun Sion...we need ur confirmation to book the ticket...i hope to have a good respond...we are going most probability on 18-25 Nov...thx all..for more details on where we are heading to after we landed on the land of Pahang..just pm Chun Sion
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