as the title have made it seems so clear, it's bout being a nerd or not...
p.s those who consider themself/are a nerd, i'm very sori that this might offend you. if u dun mind, u may continue reading. but to avoid any conflict within or outside urself or upset-ness, i would suggest you to stop here. ;p
i jz dun get i a nerd???seriously...i'm noooooot!!! k!!! y muz he alwiz keep on saying i'm a nerd.???izit jz bcos i'm not as crazy or outgoin or both as him? *anyway da 'he' refers to our vice-no-2 of da physics nite how do u actually define 'NERD'? or either how do u classify someone who's NOT a 'nerd'? one of da answer he gave is a nerd doesn't like/play sports...ahah...dat's something very opposite of me...i like sports...jz dat i dun have any chance to play...(dat's y u ppl (esp him) doesn't c me play sports..duh...)all sports r fine wif me except runnin, joggin n hiking...unless do it for fun with lotz-a frens...n den...wt else...i cant think of anymore sports dat i dun play...@ dun mind playing...hmmm...his reason no-2: a nerd stays at home (in this case: in hostel room) whole day n study/doin exercises/anything concerning studies.....hahaha...there's another thing dat's totally 180degree turn from me....if anyone would c me whole day in room...meaning i'm either sleeping or online...there's no any oth reason for me being soooooo long in the room...furthermore, my ability to stay focus is very am i supposed to study for such long hours...
#all da lame reasons.... -_-''
*additional reason (i am not a nerd): 1)i dun burn midnight oilSSSS...meaning SLEEP is MORE IMPORTANT to me than finishing up my revision for da test/exam on the next day...i DUN even care if i finish or not...ZZzzZZzzz... 2) like i said b4, i like sports, i would prefer that we study/lecture for 5 sems (cut short our sems = theoretical work would be less) n play hard, i.e play sports (ko-k) for 1 sem (meaning no need to study)...WOW...that would be great... :D but i can only dream of such curiculum in local uni (esp USM) 3) i do go out n have fun VERY often (but since enter uni = less... cos no transport :( very pitiful) n dat's one of da reason my STPM is a 'flop'!!! but it seems dat i still yet to insaf.... ;p...anyway, dat's da few reasons dat i can think of at da moment...
p.s. btw, i dun take books n read anywhere i go esp toilets!!!
furthermore, thankz very much for introducing nerds to me... ;p
but all i have to say, i dun worth ur energy...
besides, they're not my cup of tea
6 days ago
btw, da dictionary definition for NERD = an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits
another definition = person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious r serious about that topic we discuss about it...on the way to the "Yong Tau Fu" i think that second vice president of the Oc is joking nia kua...of course u r not a nerd...if u r a nerd then almost half of ur class is a nerd.........
nerdies rulezzz...
no feed, u'r wrong..
she is..
LOL wakakak! shoot me leh..
man, if u talking bout me just say my name leh. I dun mind.. Hehehe. Haise y lar ppl joking oso u take seriously. Ok, i dun mind if u call me da nerd because i know its not rue. hehehe. Sorry if i hurt ya feelings, man i am sounding like a sissy edi, i guess too much of oestrogen i guess ill call quits for now. hehehe.
hey jy...i no feeder...i'm player killer man...if she is a nerd then how u describe shadow leh...then he ma lagi lagi nerd...hey listen here beh...u are really nerd...and u r owning jy in all aspect in academic except the f***ing e-game and also sport lar...but dun worry..i'll handle that for u...let own JY
it's not da matter of serious or not, u dunno how many time our 'dearest' vice II had called me a nerd's like each time i c him, i hear nerd...til it has become some sort of a 'sensitive' word to me =_="
anyway, haha, it's ok...
but jz dun go overboard.. ;p
Hahahaha, i guess i started a discrimination... Hell what have i done. Haise, lets all forget da nerd stuff and get outta here. Now we talking bout unrelated ppl edi. SILENT PAIN fren u are a good student, that doesnt make u a nerd. Nerds dun exist in malaysia. Hell who knows if they really exist. They are a myth like Hercules and Zues. Hehehe. So dun take me so seriously. Have a nice day.
---The Second Vice---
(man dats a new name, and im not da second vice, im just as equal as all u ppl are)
lolzzz....Jackie hurt ppl u all know...this fellow is good at hurting ppl and make ppl's life miserable..especially form 6...he also hurt a gal...jackie u remember bo...but actually is a joke that some gals cannot take silent pain really hurt in her heart that this jackie can;t see it...i think i'm in better position to tell all of you...that this jackie is not harmful to u all...just take wat ever statement come out from his mouth as a joke...he very kind hearted man...just not good at play gals out there pls excuse this man...btw zeus is not a does go install dota then you'll noe...who said nerd does not exist ur blog here already got 1 liao ma...have u heard of 'Doremon' he is also a nerd expert in modern physics..actually outsider consider ourself as a nerd...because of the course that we study...dun believe as ur super senior or u big big brother sister..."feed me pls.." is signing off
haha yea yea...okok...maybe i'm jz not yet 'warm up' with jokes by ya'all ;p
yea yea...i can c dat our 'dearest' 2nd vice is good at heart ;p
n to our 'dearest' 2nd vice, dat's da 1st time somebody actually said i'm a good student ;p wakkaka...
anyway, i'll take it as a compliment (*perasan lebih d* ;p )
Man, my internet line got problem. Now then it's fixed, lets get the show on the road.
"Feed me pls", Shadow is not a nerd, but a "SUPER nerd", which is different from a nerd. JY owned me in e-games, sports, maybe even gal chasing! Know this: I owned no one in academic, instead, i got owned, that's why i cannot get DEKAN!
If i am a nerd, what about this case : remember that i baked a cake for the girl i once liked? How many will do that? Should they went to buy a cake and told the gal that he made it himself? Well, what will you say bout' this, Silent Pain?
Nerd usually don't get along, or even doesn't mixed with people. People hardly notice their existence. What about Shadow? Well, a "Shadow" is a shadow la... think it yourself.
Btw, our "dearest" Doremon, is not a nerd. You can't compare people who are good in academics are nerds, that is a mistake we make that can get ourselves OWNED! I got one friend who is good in physics and also good in basketball. Ask JY who is Koay Soo Theng, ask him how many times he got owned in a basketball game...that guy rockssssssss!!!!!!!!!
Who is vice II and Jack Sparrow??
Btw "feed me pls", you got owned by Doremon TWICE already, better be careful...
Shadow laughed : "MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH......!!!!!!!"
oi ppl i gotta make this equation.
Jack Sparrow = 2md vice = Dinash.
Thanks for understanding silent pain. but usualy ppl scream when it hurts, u are a bit different though. hehehe. happy halloween ppl or is it happy new year.
ok ppl, over and out. maintaining comment silence till the next comment..
---Captain Jack Sparrow---
i own doreamon. He thinks he can beat me the allmighty Captain JAck Sparrow, I have sailed da seven seas and a few rivers here and there. Nevermind that, every man has a price and mine is not material. Doremon cant own me.
wt does it mean?
as in 'dimiliki'?
em, my english is bad...
sori 4 being unable to understand n urge ya'all to explain ;p
->capt jack sparrow,
u dun wish to c me scream... furthermore, i haven't scream for ages.
-> SF,
there r a few ppl who bake a cake a girl. 1 is a nerd, 1 is too broke, 1 is overly romantic(want's to melt da girl's heart knowing dat da girls' heart melts easily ;p), 1 is to pujuk da girl (for couples)....ok, continue with da nerd: a nerd thinks he could apply wt he learn/found/search from reading materials onto real reality, which in this case, he learn bout da recipes n apply; make a cake.
(it might not make sense,i'm jz crapping, ntg to do d)
In that case..TEDDY BEH..let me update u with something that u dun what silent said..a nerd do everything according to formula or what they read...but in chasing gals there is no formula...and what u read doesn;t apply straight away...then about make cake...nowadays there are few ppl would like to bake their own is stupid to waste ur time baking cakes...because gals won;t appreciate it...normally guy buy their cake...and they won;t said they bake it when they bought it..because they(gals) will noe..about the nerdy thing...and on "doremon" he a nerd or not..i can bet he does look like a nerd or else u can try him...ppl who good at sport doesn;t mean he is not good at academic...ur friend are good a basketball...and he is ur friend...ur friend are not u...i also got a friend that are very good at squash..and she is scoring good result in her studies too...she is currently world ranking number1..he can owned JY because JY suck man...if he can own Dinash while dinash if playing to his true ability..then is another word..i got owned twice by that u are there one that din get own...(clap clap) man u are great... btw baking cake doesn;t mean u will get the gal u urself will move the gal...cannot get sijil dekan doesn;t mean that u r not good at academic...i just because of ur name BEH BEH BEH(cannot cannot cannot) joking!!!
Yo dude, i think i got da formula for getting gals. The formulas is.....
Nonono i wont tell i will get my nobel prize 1st den i tell. Really, so pls vote for me with sms during da nobel prize nonsense. Hehehe. Man if u good in sports and cant mix around freely dats a prob. So lets say no to nerds. And FMP man i guess i have earned ur support. So now lets commit genocide unto all nerds in da worlds.
---Captain Jack Sparrow--
Let me redefine nerd form a dictionary.
nerd ==
1 a person who is boring, stupid and not fashionable
2 a person who is very interested in computers
Well that doesnt suit me at all, coz i'm no nred, just a human only, like you guys.
Thank you Miss Silent_Pain for the info. Actually I was trying to be a little romantic on her, just that she told me i'm not her type(quite hurt also). can say i'm broke coz i dare not dare to buy a new cake. This might be the first time i do such things, and that i can say that i pour not much effort in it. When you really put much effort in doing something for someone, it is really touching. Naive you might say but is better than hopeless.
Also, I got OWNED by Doremon big time! Coz i got the lowest score in quiz 1. Quiz 2 havent know dead or alive yet but is assumed to be dead.
By know i think most people know who i really am. Pai seh to say this but sometimes (maybe mostly) I do SUCKSSS!!!! No offend people, i just want to say out something i wanted to. See ya frenzzzzzzz........
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