Date: 29th July 08'
Time: 10.00pm
Vanue: Nasi Kandar Khaleel, Bukit Gambir(hope my spelling is correct)
Among those who attended this meeting are:
Chairman: me
Gamemaster: JY
Boozer(haha should be booster): TS
Chef: KP and CS
New members who attended this meeting include: Sin Siang, Ruo Wen, Lizhi, Reena, Kit Weng.
1) Escapade 08'
We discussed about the date of our escapade. We have decided to go on the 7th week which is also our mid-sem break. We couldn't make it on 16th because JY is going to KL for competition. Don't worry about it, JY. We all wish u good luck and remember to bring ur trophy to Cameron because we will celebrate there haha. Currently we are still considering whether to leave on 18th or 22nd of August. I proposed that we do it on 22nd because it will delay some ppl's plan of going back to their hometown if we make it on 18/08/08. However no decision has been made, so we still need some feedback and comments from all the members.
2) Operasi TS
TS has to convince and persuade LiZ(new name for u) to go cameron. He has tried his best but finally LiZ also gave him 60% that she will be following us to CH. TS said that before his conversation with LiZ, he thought that nth is impossible for him in this world but after his 'trying plans' he finally knew that there are things in this world that is impossible.(Haha TS dont give up we will alwiz support u) Conversation include the plan of lying her bf about our outing to tell her that 'currently' JY is not going. Maybe JY will be following us later but of course we are not telling her bf la...haha.
PS: The connection damn slow la...Dunno what's wrong with strymix
1 week ago
ya, so i won't be going, until LiZ does. wakaka... hope dat dat fella of LiZ will not jump out in our little hide out over here else everything will be ruined lolx.
and another info to be updated is, the numbers of people that will be going will not be limited anymore since we are encouraging more people to go and many are showing better responds as our marketing skills improved lolx.
18th of August is nice to!!! i'm think marketing have to go big...will follow up my LZ Project in this few days...My Company, Physics Blog is giving me a heavy task to get LZ in this few days i'll name my operation as "I Love to Eat Lychee"
TS, do you want me to prepare a special recipe to "cook" Lychee?
If got any suggested recipe pls post it...
Oh btw, bout that Cameron stay, i would like to know whether the cooking utensils are good or not, e.g. can the knife used to cut vege without much problem?
err..i think the knife is not sharp d better we take ourself lo...
wah!!!!22nd i cannot join in :'( goin bangkok le :( on da 18th oso not very sure can join or not le :( mayb goin s'pore, maybe have 2 work + do FYP :'(
guys...i think we have to decide a date now. Everyone is asking me today so i think lets make it 18th of Aug.
Everyone is free to comment.
I hope to hear from everyone whether 18th is okie for u guys anot by this weekend...OK?;)
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