Monday, April 16, 2007

GAB IS FREE AT LAZ!! free doesn't mean available LOL

k, holiday is juz around da corner.
any plans dat I can join? i'll b free from 22th of april to 5th of may.
other than dat gg!!

If u wan me to be in da trip(s), book me earlier n make arrangements
wif me in a proper way. NOT laz minute n of coz no PPK like laz time.

- jy is looking forward for his holiday, wahaha, dun spoil it u mutthafukkar!!...


§i|εn† Pª¡ŋ said...


private TS said... too...i'll be free on 22th of May to 2nd of feel free to date and available are to different doesn't mean available....btw JY is still single and available...(can i skip wanderer)

yikoko said...

fuka u if u attempt to skip wanderer or we'll crack da nuts out of u *evil_grin*

ts is free n available n single as always! any gal plz date dis pathetic ts?? plzz? ugly or horrible also nvm as long as u pity him...