Dean List betting is back by popular demand , here once again we need to predict who will get the Dean List Award for semester 1 08/09. But to make it hotter, there are reward for those who successfully list down the top 5 Dean List kaki and the reward is a dinner meal at Sakae Sushi with our famous blogger @ Admin JY and organiser TS.
Here is what u guys need to do is to list down the name accordingly from top to btm.
For example 1: Beh Khi Boey (3.99) to 5: Tan Thien Sing 3.55
There are alot of potential Dean List Kaki so u guys just list it down by putting you Fab Five Dean List kaki in this Post Comment. I malas wanna list down all our friends so if you think he is potential enough to get it then you can vote for him. If there are no winner or no one participating then the reward will goes to TS and Gab ( we both go makan puas puas ). So come join and have fun , you might be the lucky one.
BTW just to remind you guys...there are someone that did not take a minimum unit so he is not eligible to get Dean List no matter how good his/her pointer is.
- Meal Sponsored By Physics Blog -
1 week ago
....At least get my name
Anyway, this is the list according to my observations:
(I dont want to give the pointers, coz dunno and susah to hit d jackpot)
1. Lim Shyue Piin
2. Low Lynn Yien
3. Tee Chun Sion
4. Jacqueline Loh
5. Tan Thien Sing
And mind you, i dont list myself down, let the others do or IF they feel like it, i dont mind.
Good luck to those people. Happy holiday!
Soory for the double post, juz now didnt read carefully...Anyway, I just list what i think that those who can get pass 3.5, i'm not playing TS games, maybe later on la.
must the people (that we list) be restricted to only the people in this list (members of this blog) or any1 in the school? can list anyone in our school..
I hope i know all of them
BTW this post never meant to insult anybody... Just a way to give out dinner meal...LoL
pk den...
1) Beh Khi Poay
2) Beh Boon Chun
3) Dinash
4) Goh Jia Hao
5) Lee Sai Cheong
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