Saturday, October 11, 2008

Don't Mess With Suhail

If you all haven't watch this movie yet...go ahead and download it. But today i'm not gonna blog about Zohan. Everyone know who Adam Sandler is...

But today i'm gonna introduce u guys with a person similar with Zohan, he is not physically fit and not as tough as Zohan...but it present some value that quite alike Zohan... that is Suhail (Solid State Lecturer). He is not physically fit because he is old liao...but he is a knowledgeable person , he is from middle east, and spoke a very much similar Anglesh(English) as Zohan. And his ultimate weapon is question (exam,test, quiz and tutorial) because he will pawn the whole class... except a few geniuses. He teach ZCT307 ( Solid State ). IF u guys had to take this paper, prepare for it's Middle East style of English... go watch Zohan first!!

(This photo should be in Suhail face, but i dun have his picture)

So USM Physics Student out there, no matter u r in Year 1 ,2 or 3...beware of Suhail ... and Don't Ever Mess With Suhail. It's coming test on 16/10/08 will send everyone to tremble.

Suhail : you all no come to my lecture, i gonna set a highly difficult test for u guys so.. Be Prepared...wuahahaha


yikoko said...

another great post from ts.
miss ur jokes la... hahaah..

Khi Poay thezzzz FAT NOOB said...

Good Good Good, Best Best Best, Awsome Awsome Awsome. I miss this kind of jokes...

Yeah TS right, you don't mess with the Suhail, coz he can pwned us badly. What make matter worst is that he had a "brother" a.k.a. SOhail, who are going to participate in setting the questions for the final exam. Few days left before armaggedon, prepared?

Oh by the way, may be next time they make a movie about you don't mess with the Zohan 2 (if possible), let just talk bout Zohan "twin brother".....kukukukukukkukuku......

jacqueline said...

haha...i was wonder u ask for his photo la....aiyoyo..u should go to physics school website..c whether his pic is there o not...

post more jokes

kampung guy said...

haha....geng!!!5 his pic n edit wiv photoshop la