I’m not sure about my topic title yet, but please give any comment that will suit this topic. Alright, now I’m going to type something out (lol), hopefully it’ll be longer than any post being posted.
It’s been a while guys, how are you? Now that the exam is finally over, what are yours holiday planning? I might be asking some silly questions here, but hey, we know what is going to happen this holiday. What I’m expecting for a reply is that something way out of the ordinary to happen, so that everyone can participate in the post and make this blog alive again.
Well, what are we going to use for our holiday? Our answers now will be: industrial training, research work, part time job, full time job, KSCP, blah blah…
Yes I know, most of us here (including the junior who surf this blog) are 2nd year students, one year left to graduate…that’s why this holiday means a lot to us. To enjoy, to work hard, which one you prefer? Which one you desire? Is up t you to decide.
For those who work, industrial training, etc, which you luck and hopefully you learn something useful throughout the programme. For those who will be sitting for KSCP, don’t be sad, work hard, and Score! You still have one bro here who might be able to help you guys (since you’ll be sitting for ZCT 210), if he got a chance to do fast revision and help you guys…don’t need to say it but you know who he/she might be.
Now then, there have been “news” circulating around about who will fill the SIJIL DEKAN slot for PURE PHYSICS students. Alright then, why don’t we have a poll to predict the outcome? TS will be the Bookie for this poll, so I’m counting on you, TS ^^.
Here are some candidates for the poll, I might miss out some one, so TS please help me on that.
-Tee Chun Sion
-Lee Sai Cheong
-Lim Shyue Pinn
-Wang Ruo-Wen
-Reena Cheah Khoe Siew
-Lim Li Zhi
-Tan Soon Ying
-Tan Thien Sing
-Hor Kam Thye
TS please explain the rules and expand the list. I can’t remember all…thank you!