Thursday, October 25, 2007


F=ma where Fun=mad X abnormal

P=IV where Pressure=It's time 4 Vacation

Ricatti Equation=found by Bernoulli's wife,Ricatti after Bernoulli's equation successfully derived.

Laurent's Series=brother of Taylor's series


(1/n)*sin x=? (Ans=six)

so,what about (1/c)*sec x?

f(z)=1/z, Zo=0=( a pole),what is it???(hint:refer to text book)

there are 10 fishes in an aquarium, 1 day,there is a fish dead and taken out from it,so what is the volume of water in that aquarium?Increase or Decrease? (Ans=Increase)

Cauchy's integral theorem=found when cauchy was playing merry-go-round with his wife when his saddle horse was turning in another direction and he had got his head knocked at that time.

Encoder=the wife(husband) of decoder. Why??(they were against each other before they become a couple)

Stoke Theorem=child of Mr. Green Theorem and Mrs Twince

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